Ready for a FUN way to help your kids know what GOD thinks about them?

The You Already Are devotional collection will help your children enjoy engaging in God's Word to learn who HE says they are!

If you're ready to see the truth of God's Word come alive in your kids' lives and you desire for them to truly understand who they are in Christ, download the You Already Are bundle now!!


How do your kids define themselves?

What do they call themselves? What words do they use to describe who they are? How do they think about themselves? What labels do they wear? Who do they say they are?

We've all believed lies about ourselves.

At some point in our lives, we have all defined ourselves by labels placed on us, a name we were called, or the words someone spoke over us.

But are those descriptions true? Accurate? Who we want to be? Are those words in line with what God says about you? 

The same thing happens with our kids.

The words spoken over our kids become the soundtrack in their minds.

Words like...


The person who said it could’ve been at school or at the playground.
Maybe it was a sibling.
Perhaps it was another family member.

It could have even been you.

But what if you could change the soundtrack in your kids’ minds?

What if, instead of hearing the words stupid, selfish, or annoying running over and over again through their thoughts, they heard instead...



There's a simple + FUN way to help your kids realize who they are according to the very God who made them!

The You Already Are devotional journal is an engaging 9-week journal that builds into your kids the knowledge & confidence of who they already are in Christ .

With the You Already Are kids' devotional journal & companion prayer journal for moms...

  • Your child will gain a much deeper understanding of who and what the LORD says they are
  • You, as their mom, will have the opportunity to pray specific prayers and verses over them so that you can partner with the Holy Spirit in helping their daily devotionals "stick"
  • And your child will be able to study the Bible in a FUN, kid-friendly way that'll help them begin to build a habit and a love of diving into God's Word!

This study doesn’t focus on what your children have to do,
how they have to try harder, or who they will become.

It focuses on who they already are because of a relationship with Jesus.

"We have been using the You Already Are Collection for about four weeks now, and it's my kids favorite part of the day. The daily journal doesn't take long, and the topics are SO important and packed with Scripture! I love that I can pray the specific Scriptures and topics my kids are focusing on for the day. This has GREATLY encouraged us and helped our relationships with one another!"

- Becky Sorienti, Mom of 2

In a world of confusion, we can help our children get crystal clear on what God thinks about them.

Words are powerful. We want to help you get the right words with the right power over your kids' lives.

And, we want the right words to sink in and transform the mind of your child.

So, we've made sure to format our journal in a kid-friendly way so that your child can more easily engage and interact with God's Word.

Each day of this 9-week devotion guides your child to:

Life isn't so simple, but learning the Truth about who God says we are should be!

"I love the layout of this book. It allows my 10 year old to engage with scripture in a meaningful way all by herself."

- Kelly H.

Check out what's inside of the You Already Are devotional!

The You Already Are devotional journal was intentionally designed with your kids in mind.

Throughout this 9-week journal, your child will spend a few minutes each day reading and reflecting on what God's Word says about them.

Your child will focus on one biblical theme per week:

Each week's theme is broken down into 5 devotionals that can each be completed in about 10 minutes:

In each day's devotional, your child will:

And, in addition to the daily devotionals, your child will fill out an "About Me" page at the beginning + an "About Me Now" page at the end so your kids can see how they've changed over the course of completing the journal! 🎉

And, here's what's inside of the You Already Are companion prayer journal for moms:

Just like the You Already Are devotional journal was designed with your kids in mind, the companion prayer journal was designed with YOU in mind!

This prayer journal equips us to pray for our kids as they explore what the Scriptures say about who they already are as followers of Jesus. In the fight for our kids' identity, we get the incredible privilege to start that battle on our knees!

The You Already Are prayer journal follows the same nine week, five day/week format of the kids' journal.

Each daily prayer expands on the topic & Scripture from the corresponding day in the kids' journal, allowing us to specifically pray for the topic our kids are covering that day.

In each day's prayer journal, you can:

Plus, just like in the kids' journals, you'll get fun doodles to color, too!

Ready to help your child REALLY understand who they are in Christ?!

Plus, when you purchase the You Already Are journals, you'll also get an amazing FREE bonus!

The You Already Are Blessing Cards affirm and reinforce who our kids already are as followers of Jesus. 

On the front of each Blessing Card is the Truth statement about who they are + a memory verse, and on the back is a blessing that they can read out loud (over and over again!) to remind them of their God-given identity.

To use: Simply print, fold in half, color, and then use them as way to help your child memorize God's Word and fill their mind with the Truth of who they are in Christ!

Get these Blessing Cards FREE ($12 value!) with your purchase!

"The flexibility of this collection is wonderful! Some days the kids look up the Scriptures and work on their own, and other days, they color in the pages as I read the Scriptures to them. Not only is the content AWESOME, we all LOVE the designs to color. We've been telling everyone about these resources!!"

- Jenny B., Mom of 5

I'm the Founder of and creator of the Faithful Life Planner, ScriptSub, and the You Already Are collection.

I believe with all my heart that Jesus transforms lives, and there’s a fire in my bones to help you and your kids not just know ABOUT Jesus but to know HIM and be transformed as you walk with Him.

Earlier this year, one of my sons was struggling at home and at school. Anger and resentment was growing, frustration was normal, and a whole lot of attitude was being thrown around. I knew there was a deeper issue than our external circumstances, and as I prayed for him, I kept feeling like God was telling me, “Remind him who he is.”

The best place to find out who we really are is the truth of God’s Word. This, however, is my boy who isn’t a “reader” (or a “writer”!), so I knew whatever “work” I gave him needed to be short, engaging, and packed with truth.

So we dove in, exploring who we already are in Christ — not who we will become or what we have to do — but as followers of Jesus Christ, our new and true identity. And it changed everything!

I believe these resources can be life-changing for your kids, too. That is why I created the You Already Are resource collection — to help our kids discover and know who they are in Christ, to equip us as parents to pray Biblical identity for our kids, and speak Scriptural blessings over them. 

I pray that an entire generation will be changed for the glory of God because of our time together in the Word of God and prayer! 

How will I receive these materials after my purchase?

You'll get them delivered straight to your email after your purchase! Your kids can get started with their journals right away! :)

What if I have more than one child who would enjoy using this journal?

One of the HUGE benefits of this being a digital product - print as many copies as you need for all of your kids!

What age range works best for this journal?

The daily content is simple enough for eight-year olds to complete independently, while weighty enough for even us parents to be deeply changed by our time in this journal. However, this kids' devotional is designed with 7-12 year olds in mind.

Do you offer refunds?

Because this is a digital product, all You Already Are sales are final. No cancellations, returns or exchanges can be accepted once your order has been placed.

Do I have to do the mom's companion journal at the exact same time as my child works through the You Already Are journal?

The companion journal is purely supplemental. We created it to help moms ignite the power of the Holy Spirit by praying specific prayers over their children on the same days that they'll do their journal entries. Moms do NOT have to do the companion journal for children to benefit from their journals, but we encourage it.

What if we get behind on the journal entries?

No problem! The journal entries can be completed any time. They are stand-alone readings & prompts, so if life gets busy, your child can easily pick back up where they left off.

"I was so overwhelmed by the thought of helping my kids start a quiet time habit, but this made it so easy! With this tool, all three of my kids have their quiet time on their own!! They love it - and so do I!"

- Allison C., Mom of 3

Ready to help your child understand their value and their identity in CHRIST?!

The You Already Are devotional journal will help your child gain a Christlike confidence of WHO they are and WHOSE they are.

And as their mama, we can't wait to help you partner in prayer to help their daily devotionals really take root and gain power in their lives!

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase the You Already Are collection:

  • You Already Are devotional journal for kids ($18 value)
  • You Already Are companion prayer journal for moms ($18 value)
  • Blessing Cards ($12 value)